Building Regulation 419
If you are building a property, or involved with the building of property, you may find yourself continually overwhelmed with the stresses associated with this mammoth task. There is never a smooth ride in this industry, regardless of whether this is the first house you have built or the hundredth. Small things can easily be overlooked, and at we are often contracted to help solve a pesky little problem that often stops owners from being able to move into their dream home.
The Victorian Building Regulations include an Overlooking Regulation that requires any habitable room window, balcony, terrace, deck or patio to be located and designed to avoid direct views into the secluded private open space and habitable room windows of an existing dwelling, within a horizontal distance of 9 metres. Views should be measured within a 45-degree angle from the plane of the window, and from a height of 1.7 metres above floor level. Therefore windows within 9 metres cannot directly look into any adjacent property, or onto secluded private open space. These regulations are in place to ensure the privacy of neighbours, and to help ensure harmonious dealings between neighbours. This regulation is one that can easily be overlooked, and many homeowners and builders stumble on this final hurdle before being granted their Occupancy permit.
A frosting service can provide a solution to this problem quickly and efficiently with our 75 per cent opaque window frost. This is a cost effective alternative to more drastic measures and abides by the required regulation. Some other ways to avoid this is also to ensure windows start at 1.7 metres high, often used for bathrooms or simply install fixed screens with a maximum of 25 per cent open area.
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